Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Meeting this Thursday

That's right, this Thursday May 3 our room in Loew 013 will be open from 12 noon to 6 pm. When should you show up? Depends on what you want to do:
  • 12 noon - 6 pm: Pay Dues ($5), Buy in on the group nuts and bolts order, print something small on Matt's printer, talk shop.
  • 4 pm - 5 pm: BIG RED MEETING Join a team focused on a one aspect of the Big Red project. Plan a regular meeting time for your group, brainstorm ideas, and get to work. 
Check out the Clonedel Build and Big Red pages for details on those projects. Also follow by email if it is easier for you (see top right of page).

Looks  like Thursdays will be our build days for the Clondels. It will be open time to work on your machine and ask questions. We can add other days as we need them so let us know.

Finally, don't be shy to leave comments or questions on the blog. Your voice will add momentum to the group. Use it. If you would like to put a post up, or start a new page on the blog just let me know.

See you Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. Can we have spot to post stuff like this?

