Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Build Days are Back

Hi WOOFers,

Just a quick reminder that our room is now available to us again and therefore we will resume open workshop on Fridays from noon-5pm.

This week there will be pizza and soda at noon. Come on by to eat, work on your Grawmet, talk about 3D printing, learn from each other, get the ball rolling on group projects, and any other 3DP related stuff you want to do.

We hope to see you on Friday!

-Mark Hanson

Sunday, February 24, 2013

WOOF's Second General Project Discussion

Hey you WOOFers!

Our second General Project Discussion is happening tomorrow, February 25th, from 4:30 to 5:30. It will be held in MEB 242 (NOT our normal workroom). Hope to see you there!

These discussion will be a weekly thing hopefully, so if you can't make it this week, just come the next!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

General Project Discussion

Just a quick reminder, there will be WOOF's first ever General Project Discussion in MEB 242 (Not out normal workroom!) tomorrow, February 19th.

We're starting at 4:30, so feel free to stop by and see what's up! We'll be introducing some club wide projects for people to work on. These are projects that will be funded by WOOF, so it's a great opportunity for anyone who is new to 3D printing, and doesn't want to purchase a Grawmet kit just yet. Some projects that we're considering are designing the milk jug derby boat, and building a 3D scanner.

Come on down, have some snacks, and join in the discussion!

See you there!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tutorials and This Friday

The Grawmet Builds will continue in the old WOOF office in the basement of Loew. We will be passing our emails out before the WOOF dinner, so individuals can make appointments. All appointments will be posted on the blog, so feel free to swing by Loew if you want to listen in. These are one-on-one tutorials, where you can schedule an appointment with either Mark Hanson or Brandon Bowman, for assembly, troubleshooting, flashing firmware, etc. Come in, let us know where you are at, and we will help you make some progress.

We will be handing out our emails to those who want to schedule an appointment. 

Bowman is available anytime Monday-Thursday excluding  MW2:30-3:30pm
Hanson is available: M after 2:30, T 10:30-2:30, W 12:30-1:30, 2:30-4:00, Th until 4:00, and F 10:30-5.

WOOF Dinner, Friday, Meet 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm (MEB 252) 
Discussion Topic: 3D printing the next milk jug boat.

RSVP in the comment section.

Matt Johnson has volunteered to take on designing and printing the WOOF boat for this year's Seafair Milk Carton Regatta.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Milk Carton Derby (or want more information) check out this link:

Saturday July 13, 2013
Location: Green Lake
Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

The rules are in the image below. Anyone who wants in on this project, be prepared to do some dumpster diving, milk jug de-labeling, work with shredding equipment and have some long nights printing some big parts. If you are in be prepared to work hard, and learn a bunch of really cool thinks. Thanks again to Matt Johnson for heading up this project.

See you on Friday!

-Brandon Bowman and Mark Hanson