Thursday, January 31, 2013

Fridays collaborations

Since the room will not be available for Build Days the next few weeks we are planning on a group dinner for the next three Fridays. All WOOFers are welcome the idea is to gather around and talk about ideas and collaboration. WOOF has several projects coming up. 

Making a 3D scanner.
The 2nd Grawmet revision.
Design the boat for Seafair.

So bring your ideas to the table and we can talk about the list above, or anything else that gets suggested.

Dinner meet at the WOOF room 
(MEB 252) Friday 5:00-5:30pm
We will decide on a venue between 5:00 and 5:30pm
 Splitting up big checks with cards is tough, so consider bringing $10-15 cash because

You can RSVP by leaving a comment.
~Brandon B.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Notice of Room Use

The ME department has been very kind to allow us to use ME 252 as our home base. This term, the ME 356 class will need to use the room for approximately 3 weeks for a class project. In order to help make the room work well for ME 356, we are asking all WOOF members to remove their personal belongings from the room. This means printers, parts, tools etc. The more stuff we can temporarily remove,  the easier it will be for ME 356. Let's make it as convenient for them as possible so that we are welcomed back. Any items that are not removed will be temporarily hidden in Big Red or stored along the window sill.  This all needs happen by this Thursday. Sorry for the short notice. If you'd like to pick up something and need to be let into the room send an email to any of the officers or email

During the next few weeks, plan on having very limited access, if any, to the WOOF room.

Please spread the word. This needs to happen this week.



Friday, January 25, 2013

ME 495 Capstone w/ WOOF

Hey WOOF graduating seniors,

I am trying to get a feel for WOOF members who are planning to/would like to still do a capstone with a WOOF project next quarter.  Prof. Ganter right now is really interested in doing a Stonespray attachment to the large printer that is being build this quarter:

Send me an e-mail if you would like to do this as your capstone:

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

First Grawmet Print!

That's right! The Grawmet kits are finally getting to the point of printing!

WOOF member Bing had the following to say about his Grawmet:
Here it is! My first somewhat successful print with the Grawmet - a BOX! Since the thing isn't calibrated correctly the box is very squished along the Z-axis.
Way to go, Bing!

The first working Grawmet!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Scholarship Opportunity

Dear University of Washington STEM Students,

The Astronaut Scholarship Foundation (ASF) is offering a competitive $10,000 scholarship for University of Washington students who are in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math (STEM) disciplines. Awardees will receive funding for their 2013-2014 academic year.

All motivated STEM students, who have demonstrated success in both their course work and research projects, are encouraged to apply. Space Grant must receive all materials by 5pm on March 1, 2013. Furthermore, Space Grant will notify applicants of their application status by March 5, 2013.

Student Eligibility and Application process:
-Must be a United States citizen

-Application must include a letter of reference and cover sheet completed by at least one faculty member who has worked closely with you

-Must hold either junior or senior status at the beginning of the
2013-2014 academic year

Nomination documents and details may be downloaded from:
All application materials must be sent to the Space Grant main office at:
WA NASA Space Grant
Attn: Astronaut Scholarship Foundation
Johnson 141
Box 351310
Seattle, WA 98195

As general advice, be proactive by downloading the application materials and set-up a meeting with a faculty member to discuss your application. Ensure that your application is complete by ensuring that all documents are included and double check for typos, grammar and such.

I am here to help, so please feel free to contact me regarding this opportunity at  Answers to Frequently Asked Questions may be found at the provided link above.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
J.Carlos Chavez
Student Program Coordinator and Advisor
Washington NASA Space Grant

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

WOOF in Winter Quarter

Hey Fabbers,

For now the workshop open days will continue on Fridays.
Where: ME 252
When: Every Friday Noon - 5pm

Winter Quarter General Meeting
Where: ME 252
When: Thurs 17 @ 3:30pm
What's covered:
  • New Officers - open call for officers for next school year
  • Grawmet Winter Build
  • Project: Big Red and the Seafair Boat

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Jan 4 Open WOOF Room

Happy New Year!

The first Open WOOF room of the year will be held:
Friday Jan 4
from 12:00 - 5:00pm 
in ME 252

Come in for help, fun, and companionship!